Friday, August 7, 2015

The Main Responsibilities of an SEO Specialist

The World Wide Web is a battleground of different companies and institutions – local, national or worldwide. Every single website incorporates different strategies for them to be on top ranks of search engines. Being on the top search results means that your website has already gained popularity online, and it has garnered a lot of traffic from the number of visitors checking it online. Having this said, other websites have to invest in getting traffic to increase their online presence. To be able to do this, one should hire the service of an SEO specialist.

Once a website is launched, the work does not end there. The website has to be maintained to keep up with the changes in the trend. Further, a company may have a new product or service to be offered which should be included as a new update on the website. Comments and suggestions that will improve products and services need to be read and addressed for customer satisfaction. There are still lots of things to be done once the website is up and running. As an SEO specialist, he or she needs to foresee everything to help the website rise on the search pages to promote online presence and visibility.

Being an SEO specialist (search engine optimization) takes a lot of responsibility. Some SEO specialists admit the stress and pressure they get from this job. To have a clear understanding on what an SEO specialist do, here is a checklist of his or her responsibility.

Manage content strategy, link building and keyword strategy

An SEO specialist should have broad knowledge on creating good content for a website. He or she should be someone who has an expertise in writing posts that contain powerful keywords that will boost the website’s ranking. Furthermore, he or she builds links form different social media pages and other websites that will lead to the website he or she is responsible in managing.

Runs tests, collect and analyze data

Different techniques are to be used to boost traffic. These techniques have to undergo tests whether they can work perfectly or not. An SEO specialist will then collect data from these tests and analyze them to make improvements or proceed with the technique for a successful ROI.

Record, report and analyze website analytics and PPC campaigns

An SEO specialist also uses PPC or pay-per-click strategy in improving traffic. The SEO specialist should foresee the results and analyze them whether PPC should be invested for a specific number of weeks to avoid losing or wasting money.

Manage expenses

An SEO specialist should see that the strategies have to stay on budget. Some techniques need to be paid; thus, it is his or her responsibility to make sure that the plan will work for a positive ROI.

Other responsibilities are as follows:

- New search protocols
- Search verticals
- Community management
- Social media promotion
- Reputation tracking
- Local and Maps Optimization

Getting SEO services is essential in getting ranked on search engines. A website without good content will lose its purpose once it cannot be searched online. SEO specialists will do a lot of tricks to get the ranking and increase ROI for the business.


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