Monday, March 30, 2015

What is Black Hat SEO?

Businesses build website for a single purpose: to make their brand name popular in the World Wide Web. The success of the website depends on how well the website is maintained. Website maintenance includes keeping the content updated, the layout polished, and making sure that the speed of its download on different web platforms is optimized. Further, as a part of a website’s success online, the website should increase its traffic to reach the top search results on any search engine. Investing on search engine optimization (SEO) is recommended.

In SEO jargons, every SEO specialist is familiar with black hat SEO. A black hat SEO uses techniques that increase a page’s rank in different search engines through violating the search engines’ terms of service.  The strategies that they use to increase traffic are not focused on the target audience of a website but only on the search engines.

How is Black Hat SEO done? For starters, a black hat SEO used to be legal and accepted but because of a few techniques used, it has breached the policies on search engines. How do they do it?

Keyword stuffing
This happens when keywords are overly used in our website. These keywords are constantly repeated even until the bottom page of the website. They even utilize invisible text that matches the background of the page. Search engine spiders can still even search this context making the trick work. Webmasters search for keywords that are very popular among users and use these on the website even though they are not totally related. With this, the web gets traffic even though it is not related to what users are looking for.

Page Stuffing
This is another cheat item webmasters are fond of doing. They create a web page that has good traffic on a search engine result page (SERP). After doing this, they duplicate the page to make both have top results. Doing this repeatedly pushes the webpage on top results and pulling others down.

This is a technique that is used to cloak different keywords or descriptions that are totally unrelated to the content of your website. This is misleading a user to your website.

Article Spinning
Rewriting existing articles and paraphrasing them to make a new one is another technique. The article has the same topic but words and sentences are just edited to make it look new.

Selling and farming links
Webmasters purchase links from other sites to increase a page’s traffic. This link is a collection of web pages that are also linked to other pages. Most of these links are fake websites that link to your webpage. It is cheating a search engine to rank your page on the top rank.

These strategies applied to your website can aggressively increase your traffic. However, since you are fooling people to be lead to your website, they will never visit your website again. Online users want relevant information to their searches. Having them fooled will have detrimental effects. Further, most search engines penalize those websites that employ black hat SEO. Your website can be banned once search engines prove that you are using black hat SEO. No one will ever succeed in using black hat SEO.

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